Be soft – Do not let the world make you hard - Notes to my daughters

The hard reality of life is that it gets hard, so I implore you, my darlings, never lose your wild spirit, always stop to run through wildflower meadows and dance in the rain.

The essence of life is impermanence, do not build your entire existence out of people or things and do not place your dreams in the hands of another, for they will never quite appreciate or understand the value, instead quietly nurture your dreams yourself.  

Set lofty goals and follow those dreams but do not hold on too tightly to the outcome, allow room for surprises and re-direction. Sometimes what you think you want is not what is meant for you. 

Compassion, empathy, and kindness are beautiful traits but always remember your worth, never allow yourself to be taken for granted or mistreated by others.  

You will be met with many obstacles throughout your life, learn to stay soft like river water and let yourself flow with the current.  Do not use force - by all means, try different doors but if you are met with a solid resistance then leave it for now. It is just not the right time. If you keep moving forward new opportunities will eventually arise. 

Do not get cynical, If you allow yourself to harden, then you will break – you will shatter into a million pieces and then you must begin the painstaking process of putting yourself back together again.  

Listen closely to your intuition, if you remove the external chatter, you will find that deep down you will always know the answer. 

Respect and honour your need to rest – it is more than ok to do nothing. It is quite lovely actually as it allows you time to reset and replenish yourself. 

Be soft with others, do not break them with your words. 

Do not burn bridges, instead cover them with wildflowers and love letters and leave droplets of love and hope wherever you go. 

If you instinctively walk towards the things that bring you joy, you will eventually come to your path in life. 

If you feel lonely, sad or just a little low on love head to the ocean. Breathe in the salty air, feel the sand between your toes and immerse yourself in the sea. It will always leave you feeling calm and peaceful. Alternatively - Walking to the top of a mountain and letting the wind blow the stagnant energy out is just as good. The keynote to be taken from this is that being in nature is the cure for all bad moods. 

Over the years you will adopt unhealthy coping mechanisms to keep you safe, learn to recognise when those ways no longer serve a purpose and be patient with yourself as you learn to let them go. 

Life is not a race, you are never behind, you are simply taking a different path and that is ok. You are never in competition with anyone else 

Make a home within yourself, be so content and at peace in your own company that it can never be taken from you. Once you do that you will find life becomes easier.

When the dark days come – and they always come – lean into it, surrender to the process of facing yourself. Cry, scream, howl at the moon and eventually you will hear the call of clarity and emerge anew. 

Open your heart, drop your walls, and allow your authentic self to shine. Your tribe will love you just as you are – even if you choose to lead a life led by the moon and the stars and use feeling and intuition over logic every time – (you know who you are, and I love you dearly for it) 

Laughing with your best friends is the medicine

Every single day the universe is radiating love - from the sunrise to the dewy grass under your feet, from the birdsong to the flowers in the springtime – just take a moment to look around you. 

Become so soft that nothing can break you – softness is strength and gentleness is power. 


‘Be soft, do not let the world make you hard.  

Do not let pain make you hate. 

Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. 

Take pride that even though the rest of the world disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place., 

Kurt Vonnegut JR. 




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